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DevSensei: PR Workflow Automation


Workflow Automation for Dev Teams

What is DevSensei?

  • 🔰 fundamental topics for beginners getting started with DevSensei

  • 🔬 advanced topics for once you have your first workflows automated

DevSensei is a pull request workflow automation solution integrated into the Code Owners App.

It is for teams who want to:

  • reduce the overhead of working with pull requests.

    • e.g. auto merge minor changes after the automated checks passed

  • automate workflows in pull requests.

    • e.g. assign the right reviewers

  • follow and enforce team policies.

    • e.g. add tasks to the pull request based on what changes are made

Getting Started 🔰

  1. Enable DevSensei for your repository:

    1. Navigate to the repository → Repository Setting (⚙️ on the left) → DevSensei | Code Owners Settings. Alternatively, the setting is also available at the project level.

    2. In the settings panel, enable the DevSensei Workflows

  2. Add the sample devsensei.yaml file below to the default branch of your repository.

Workflow to add comment on pull requests ready to review (basic example)
- name: Add Comment
    - not draft
    - add-comment:
      content: |
        This pull request is ready to review.
  1. Done! When you create a pull request, then the comment will be added. On draft pull requests the comment is added as soon as the pull request is marked as ready to review.

Some more examples
- name: Bugfix Release Policy Reminder
    - destination~=release/* # When the pull request targets a release branch
    - source~!=bugfix/*    # And isn't from a bugfix branch
    # Add the reminder comment
    - add-comment:
        content: |
          Reminder: Only bugfixes should be merged into a release branch.
          If it is not an urgent bugfix, please change the
          pull request destination to the development branch.
- name: Release Tasks
    - source=main
    - destination=latest-release
  - add-comment:
      content: Is the public documentation up to date?
      task: true
  - add-comment:
      content: The release announcement is prepared?
      task: true
- name: Add reviewers
    - destination~!=sandbox/*
    - add-codeowners:
        rules: |

Workflows 🔰

Each workflow automates specific tasks for the pull requests of your team.

A workflow includes:

  1. a unique name to identify the workflow

  2. a set of conditions to be met. Once these conditions are met the actions are executed

  3. a set of actions to be executed when the conditions are met for a pull request

How does it work? 🔰

Configure the workflows for your team

  1. on the default branch

  2. in the devsensei.yaml file

  3. at the top-level directory

of your repository.

The devsensei.yaml file consists of a set of workflows.

Conditions 🔰

Use conditions to decide for which pull requests to run your actions. Conditions give you full control to tailor a workflow to run the actions exactly when you need.

A basic condition is a comparison on a pull request attributes like title, source and destination branch. Then compare the attributes with an operators like equality =, glob matching ~=, negations not to the desired value.

    - draft                   # check that pull request is a draft
    - not draft               # negate a comparison: Check that the pull request is not a draft
    - source=main             # Check that the source branch is the main branch
    - destination~=releases/* # Check that the destination is matching the glob releases/*

All conditions in the conditions list must be fulfilled to run an action. Use or and and blocks if you need logical combinations of conditions.

    - or:
        - draft
        - title~=DRAFT*
    - and:
        - source=develop
        - destination=releases/*

Actions 🔰

Actions do things for you, like adding comments, adding reviewers, etc.

A workflow has one or more actions.

When Do Actions Run 🔰🔬

Actions run when the conditions change from false to true.

Then, actions do not run again as long as the condition stays true.

When conditions go again back to false and then true, the actions run again.

Edge Trigger

This concept is called Edge Triggering, as actions are triggered on the 'edge' of the signal when the conditions do change.

Run Actions More Often 🔬

Sometimes you need to run the actions of a workflow more often, for example every time new commits are made to the pull request.

For that, there is the retrigger-on section. If the value of one of the attributes in the retrigger-on section changes, it will "reset" the condition signal and if the conditions are currently met, a new edge trigger happens, and the workflow’s actions will run again.

Retriggering an Action
  - name: Reminder that changes for releases need extra care
    - destination~=release/*
    - source-head-sha # Retrigger if commits change
    - add-comment:
        content: |
            Be careful. This changes are for a bugfix release.
  - name: Send a reminder to the customer of a planned fix
    - destination~=customer/*
    - source~=bugfix
    - destination # Retrigger if the destination changes
    - add-comment:
        content: |
          Inform the customer about the planned customer specific bugfix
  - name: Add CodeOwner reviewers, and update if the are new commits
    - destination~=customer/*
    - source~=bugfix
    - source-head-sha # Retrigger if commits change
      - add-codeowners:
          rules: |

Syntax support in IDE for DevSensei configuration 🔰

The app provides a YAML Schema for the devsensei.yaml file.


  • Auto-completion of YAML keys

  • Basic validations, (e.g. ensure that a workflow has actions)

  • Documentation of YAML elements within the editor

  • Showing code examples from the Spec as help

Download the YAML Schema from Bitbucket:

Depending on your IDE, map that YAML Schema to files named devsensei.yaml.

IntelliJ IDEA & JetBrains IDE’s
  1. Go to IntelliJ IDEA (or other Jetbrains IDE) settings

  2. Search for JSON Schema Mappings

  3. Add a new mapping:

    1. Name: DevSensei Schema file

    2. Schema URL: https://YOUR_BITBUCKET/rest/codeowners/1.0/devsensei/schema

    3. Schema version: JSON Schema version 7

    4. File: devsensei.yaml

VS Code

VS Code with the RedHat YAML plugin can either use an inline reference to the JSON Schema

# yaml-language-sever: $schema=https://YOUR_BITBUCKET/rest/codeowners/1.0/devsensei/schema

  # ...

or have a global mapping within the VS Code settings.json:

  "yaml.schemas": {
    "https://YOUR_BITBUCKET/rest/codeowners/1.0/devsensei/schema": [

Migration: From Code Owners to DevSensei 🔰

What advantages has DevSensei compared to Code Owners?

  • devsensei.yaml can share common rules across repositories with included devsensei.yaml files called "Includes" to reduce duplication and maintenance efforts.

  • Common configuration parts (e.g. reusing the list of reviewers) can be shared with YAML anchors.

  • DevSensei allows to build the automation you want with combining conditions and actions.

  • DevSensei currently only supports add-codeowners and add-comment. We will add more actions in the future to automate your pull request workflow. Let us know what actions you are looking for.

  • devsensei.yaml is read from the default branch of your repository. This will reduce the maintenance efforts significantly when the automation for the repository needs changes.

How can I migrate from Code Owners to DevSensei?

To start using DevSensei from your existing CODEOWNERS file, you have two options:

  1. a) Automated migration: migrate your CODEOWNERS file to devsensei.yaml with the built-in migration support (see button Download generated devsensei.yaml).

  2. b) Manual migration: migrate your CODEOWNERS settings to their equivalents in devsensei.yaml. For the most part, copy everything except CODEOWNERS settings and custom groups from the CODEOWNERS file to the rules section of add-codeowners action in devsensei.yaml.

    1. For the settings, use the alternatives from the add-codeowners action, see the Actions paragraph below.

    2. For the custom Code Owner groups (e.g. @@@my-group @peter @anna), use the custom-groups section of add-codeowners.

  3. push the devsensei.yaml file to the root directory in the default branch of your repository

  4. enable DevSensei under repository settings -> DevSensei | Code Owners -> DevSensei Workflows -> Enabled

  5. when the app sees a devsensei.yaml file, it will use that instead of CODEOWNERS.

DevSensei reads the devsensei.yaml configuration from the default branch of your repository for every pull request. This is in contrast to Code Owners configuration in CODEOWNERS file, that is taken from the destination branch of the pull request.

Below you can see both a CODEOWNERS file and the equivalent devsensei.yaml file. This should help you to migrate from your Code Owners rules to the new YAML format.

The format of the Code Owners rules is the same, so you can copy that to the rules section of the add-codeowners action.


CODEOWNERS.destination_branch_pattern main
CODEOWNERS.destination_branch_pattern release/*
CODEOWNERS.toplevel.subdirectory_overrides enable
CODEOWNERS.toplevel.assignment_routing random 2
CODEOWNERS.toplevel.create_pull_request_comment disable
CODEOWNERS.toplevel.auto_unapprove_on_change enable
CODEOWNERS.source_branch_exclusion_pattern hotfix/*

@@@MyDevs                @PeterTheHacker  @PeterTheJavaExpert ann@scala.lang @@JSDevs

*                        @PeterTheHacker
*.java                   @PeterTheJavaExpert
*.js                     @PaulTheJSGuru @@JSExperts
"a/path with spaces/*"
src/components/**/*.js   @@MyDevs

Check(@@MyDevs >= 2)


  - custom-groups:
        - @PeterTheHacker
        - @PeterTheJavaExpert
        - ann@scala.lang
        - @@JSDevs

  - name: Add Code Owners
      - or:
        - destination=main
        - destination~=release/*
      - source~!=hotfix/*
      - on-diff-change # If you want update Code Owners when the pull request code is updated
      - add-codeowners:
          auto-unapprove-on-change: true
            random: 2
            MyDevs: *MyDevs
          rules: |
            *                       @PeterTheHacker
            *.java                  @PeterTheJavaExpert
            *.js                    @PaulTheJSGuru @@JSExperts
            "a/path with spaces/*"
            src/components/**/*.js  @@MyDevs
            Check(@@MyDevs >= 2)

Code Owners Settings NOT supported in DevSensei add-codeowners action 🔬

Code Owners feature Why not supported / Alternative?


May be added later


Manually include rule files of sub directories


To replicate the previous behavior of the sub-dir override feature with DevSensei workflows, you must:

  1. prefix the file patterns with the subdir in the corresponding add-codeowners action

  2. exclude the subdirs in the "root" add-codeowners actions with a negation rule

Example: if you have CODEOWNERS with subdirectory_override=true and module-a/CODEOWNERS.

  1. prefix file patterns in migrated add-codeowners of module-a like module-a/PATTERN

  2. add !module-a/ as last rule to migrated root CODEOWNERS action to ignore the sub directory of module-a in this action

Reference: devsensei.yaml

Workflows 🔰

Each workflow is meant to automate specific tasks for the pull requests of your team.

Attribute Definition

name (required)

The name of the workflow. Must be unique in a repository.

conditions (optional, but probably wanted) 🔰

A set of conditions to be met for the actions of the workflow to be executed for a pull request

retrigger-on (optional) 🔬

A set of values. Causes additional trigger for actions when the value changes while the condition is currently met.

  # on destination value change
  - destination
  # on source-head-sha value change
  - source-head-sha

actions (required) 🔰

A set of actions to be executed each time the conditions are met for a pull request, or when a value in the retrigger-on list changes while the conditions are met.

overrides (optional) 🔬

A workflow with the same name can be overridden in the main devsensei.yaml file. If so, the workflow object must have overrides=true. If not, then you will get a validation error for the duplicate names.


  - other.yaml
  # overriding included workflow
  - name: I am overridden
    overrides: true


  # original definition of workflow
  - name: I am overridden
    conditions: #...
    actions: #...

Conditions 🔰


The conditions property of a workflow is configured with a list of conditions. There two kinds of conditions: Basic, which is a boolean expression that evaluates an attribute; and Aggregate, which can compose 1 or more conditions (of either kind) with a logical operator (e.g. and, or).

Name YAML Syntax Example


string whose value matches the following patterns:

<attribute> <infix-op> <value>


[<prefix-op>] <attribute>


object mapping from an operator to a list of conditions

  - and:
      - CONDITION_1
      - CONDITION_2
  - and:
      - CONDITION_3
      - CONDITION_4
Condition evaluation

Each condition is a boolean expression, so composition with and and or obeys the usual rules for boolean algebra.

If there are no conditions (i.e. there is no mapping, or an empty list), then the condition is always met by default, so any action in the workflow run at least once. This means that each additional condition further constrains the cases where actions should be applied. If there are more than one condition in a workflow’s conditions property, then they must be all true simultaneously for the overall condition to be met (i.e. they are combined with and implicitly).

Conditions are dynamic expressions, and can retrieve and compare metadata (known as attributes) associated with the current pull request. Conditions are evaluated when a pull request is created, whenever the pull request or its various metadata changes.

Condition attributes

These are the various attributes available to use in conditions (and also in retrigger-on). Each attribute results in a typed value when evaluated.

Condition Attribute Type Meaning



The pull request title



Source branch of pull request



Destination branch of pull request



Destination repository of pull request



The SHA-1 hash of commit of the HEAD ref on the source branch



Is it a draft pull request

Attribute types

Currently there are two scalar types supported for attributes

Type name Description


A value that is one of either true or false.


any UTF-8 text value.

Basic condition operators

Operators are functions that can either transform an attributes value or compare an attribute’s value to a literal value.

Operator kind syntax example


<attribute> op <value>

title=My PR


op <attribute>

not draft

Condition Operator Meaning Type Position


Glob match

(string, string) → boolean



Glob negative match

(string, string) → boolean




(string, string) → boolean



Not equals

(string, string) → boolean


! or not

Negate a boolean attribute (use of ! must be in a quoted string)

(boolean) → boolean


Aggregate condition operators 🔬

There are two logical operators that can compose a list of conditions

Condition Operator Meaning


All conditions must be fulfilled


At least one of the conditions must be fulfilled

Retrigger On 🔬

The retrigger-on section is optional. If configured, it defines a set of expressions that are continuously evaluated, similar to conditions.


  - destination
  - source-head-sha

It provides more fine-grained control over when edge-triggering occurs. Normally, actions only run on the "edge" when the condition changes from "not-met" to "met". For example, if attribute values change, but the condition is still met, then normally actions will not run again.

However, if retrigger-on is configured, then whenever one of its expression values changes while the condition is met, the signal for the condition will temporarily flip, enabling a new edge-trigger even though the condition is already met.

You can consider the behavior similar to two electrical signals: condition (A), and retrigger-on (B), combined with a logic gate (A & !B). Signal B is only activated in the instant where a change occurs, but otherwise deactivates, which creates more "edges" in the combined signal.

Concept of retrigger-on
condition (A):    ___^^^^^^^^^^^___^^^__

retrigger-on (B): ______^___^___________

A & !B:           ___^^^_^^^_^^^___^^^__

EdgeTrigger:      ___^___^___^_____^____

Without the retrigger-on section the workflow actions would only run twice. The effect of retrigger-on makes it so that the workflow actions actually run 4 times instead.

Retrigger Expressions

There is currently only one kind of expression supported:

Kind Syntax Result



the value of the attribute.

Actions 🔰

List of available actions that fuel your automation.


Adds Code Owners as reviewers to a pull request.

Attributes Definition


random: n

reduce the number of Code Owners that are automatically assigned to a pull request. (opt-in) Currently, the only available method of assignment is at random.

- add-codeowners:
      random: 2


The Code Owners rules and merge checks. For existing CODEOWNERS users, copy your owner rules and the merge checks to the rules section. Note: for sub-directory overrides, check "Not supported settings" section.

- add-codeowners:
    rules: |
      *          @jordan
      /backend/  @@backendies
      /frontend/ @@frontendies


- add-codeowners:
    rules: |
      pipelines.yml           @@admins
      backend/                @@backendies
      src/components/**/*.js  @@frontendies
        - @bobby
        - @jordan
        - @charly
        - @@admins


Remove approval if owned code changes.

- add-codeowners:
    auto-unapprove-on-change: true

Adds a single comment or task to a pull request

Attributes Definition


(string) content of the comment

  content: Cool fix!


(boolean) whether create as a task (defaults to false)

  content: |
    This PR is missing a Jira issue key in the title.
    Please add it.
  task: true

Share Configuration with Includes 🔬

With includes, common Devsensei workflows can be shared both across repositories as well within projects in a monorepo.

To include a devsensei.yaml file from another repository, use this syntax:

- repository: shared-configs
  file: project-devsensei.yaml

Only repositories of the same Bitbucket project are supported.

The Bitbucket users require READ access to the repository with the shared configuration. Otherwise users will get permission issues, because they cannot access the required configuration.

When a plain YAML file path is specified, the included file is read from the same repository:

- common/devsensei.yaml
  • The files are read from the latest commit of the default branch

  • Only one level of includes are support (no recursion supported)

Sharing Parts of the Configuration with YAML Anchors 🔬

Use YAML Anchors to define reusable content in the same YAML file.

Example showing how to share conditions across workflows:

    - &non-hotfix-to-release-branch
      - source~!=hotfix/*
      - destination~=release/*

  - name: comment
    conditions: *non-hotfix-to-release-branch
      - add-comment:
          content: Hotfix branch expected as source branch when merging into release branches.
  - name: codeowners
    conditions: *non-hotfix-to-release-branch
      - add-codeowners:
          rules: |
            *.js           @peter
  • Anchors can be used for any content. For example, to define reusable custom user groups, or conditions.

  • Reference must reference anchors in the same file. It is not possible to define an anchor in one file, and reference it from another file.

  • Anchor names cannot contain the [, ], {, }, and , characters.

  • Anchors can be defined anywhere in the file, although we encourage to use the shared section at the top of the file for clarity and easier maintenance.

Configuration-Changes and Existing Pull Requests 🔬

DevSensei reads the configuration always from the default branch. That means that all open pull requests will use the same configuration and changes in the configuration affect all pull requests.

When you change the configuration, then when DevSensei runs the next time, the new configuration is applied.

Table 1. The next time DevSensei runs:
Configuration change Effect on Existing Pull Request

New Workflow is Added

The workflow’s actions are applied if the conditions are met

Workflow is Renamed

Workflows are identified by name, therefore this acts as if a new workflow is introduced. See above

actions are changed

The next time actions are running, the new configuration for the action is used

condition changes

Then new conditions are checked the next time DevSensei runs

retrigger-on changes

The condition signal is reset when the retrigger-on function changes. The actions run again if the conditions are met

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