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Migrating from Confluence Data Center to Confluence Cloud

Migration from Confluence Data Center to Confluence Cloud is supported to some extend.
You will find in this page an overview of what features are supported as well as a migration guides. Contact us when you have a scenario that is not directly supported.

Feature comparisons

Include App edition

Supports Bitbucket Cloud

Supports Bitbucket
Data Center and Server

Confluence Data Center and Server

(tick) (except Ant patterns)


Confluence Cloud


(tick) (only Bitbucket files)

The Data Center and Cloud Edition have different feature sets:


Confluence Data Center

Confluence Cloud

Automatic Migration Supported

Bitbucket files



(tick) (with limitations)

Bitbucket files by Ant Patterns

(tick) (only Bitbucket Data Center)

(error) (alternative macro, Include Directory)


Bitbucket open pull requests




Bitbucket Git branches




Bitbucket Git commits




Bitbucket Cloud issues




Migration from Confluence Data Center to Cloud

1. Prepare Bitbucket instance

The Include Bitbucket for Confluence app supports both, Bitbucket Data Center and Cloud. You can choose to migrate to Bitbucket Cloud when migrating to Confluence Cloud as well, or keep the existing Bitbucket Data Center instance.

In case you keep your repositories on Bitbucket Data Center: it needs to be accessible via HTTPS on the public internet.

2. Configure Access to Bitbucket in Confluence Cloud

Configure access to Bitbucket in Confluence Cloud:

3. Migrate using the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant

Use the Atlassian Cloud Migration Assistant to migrate the Confluence spaces.

4. Bitbucket Application Link replacement after migrating

After migrating from Confluence Data Center to Cloud, you must provide a fallback for the application link to Bitbucket for migrated macros.

  1. Selecting the Bitbucket Edition:

    1. If the referenced repositories are still on your Bitbucket Data Center instance, then select Bitbucket Data Center and provide the public URL to it. You must configure the Data Center settings as well.

    2. If the repositories are now on Bitbucket Cloud, select this option and configure the corresponding Bitbucket Cloud workspace.

  2. The repository must be named the same as before the migration.

If your on-prem Bitbucket instance is behind a firewall, Application links over tunnels are not supported for apps. However, you can use a static IP for traffic from Include Bitbucket for Confluence Cloud, so that you can allowlist the app.


Following limitations apply for migrating from Confluence Data Center to Cloud:

  • Only Bitbucket file macros are migrated automatically. All other macros (like e.g. the pull request or branches macro) have to be recreated.

  • The Bitbucket file macros are migrated in read-only mode. When you want to edit the macro parameters, you have to recreate the macro.

  • If the Confluence Cloud instance is connected to multiple Bitbucket instances, then the macro can’t determine the right Bitbucket instance. It will show manual migration steps in that case.

  • File ranges, regexes and hiding file headers is not supported.

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