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Use with SonarCloud™

Step 1: Create a SonarQube™ server configuration

Add a SonarQube™ server configuration in the app under Bitbucket Admin → Include Code Quality. 

  1. Configure a name for the server.

  2. Add as your SonarQube™ Application URL.

  3. Add your SonarCloud™ organization key

ICQ - screenshots (6).png

  1. Add a User Token of the SonarQube™ Service Account.

    • You can use global or project-level permissions (more details here). Please note that only a User with Administer System permission will allow for the use of an automatic webhook as mentioned below.

    • Learn more on how to generate your SonarQube™ User Token here.

  2. Choose if you want to enable authentication with personal SonarQube™ accounts instead of a Service User.

    • Using personal accounts can be useful to track user actions like resolving an issue or marking it as a false positive and easily identify who performed which action.

  3. Choose between an automatic webhook configuration or a manual webhook configuration if you tick the corresponding checkbox.

    • You may only use an automatic webhook if the User Token used has Administer System permissions. You can read more on webhook configuration here.

Step 2: Configure a SonarQube™ Analysis

Next step is to configure your SonarQube™ scan in your build system.

Go to the dedicated documentation page for more details on how to configure your SonarQube™ Analysis.

Once you have configured a SonarQube Analysis, run it to make sure the results are visible in SonarQube.

For multiple SonarQube™ projects for the same repository: ensure the analysis results are available on each project in SonarQube™.

Step 3: Connect one or more SonarQube™ projects to a Repository

In Bitbucket, connect one or more SonarQube™ project to a Repository (Repository → Settings → Include Code Quality)

  1. Click App Enabled, followed by Add Project.

  1. Select the Module Directory of the project. Leave empty for a single SonarQube™ project in the repository. Select a subfolder of the repository if you want to configure multiple SonarQube™ projects for the same repository (for example if you are working with a monorepo strategy).

  2. Select the appropriate SonarQube™ server and SonarQube™ project.

  3. Configure the Scanner analysis directory to the path where the analysis runs. The path must start with the module directory.


Step 4: Enable Include Code Quality for Bitbucket within your repository

In Bitbucket, Enable Include Code Quality for Bitbucket in the settings page of your repository (Repository → Settings → Include Code Quality)

  1. Verify you have one or more SonarQube™ projects linked to the repository.

  2. Toggle the App Enabled button.

  3. Optional: Configure additional settings in the tabs if required.

    1. (lightbulb) enable Merge Checks based on SonarQube™ quality gates to enforce high code quality:
      Use Quality Gates as Pull Request Merge Checks.


Step 5: Check if the SonarQube™ analysis is included in the main branch

In Bitbucket, go to Repository → Source View of the already analyzed main branch. You should see the issue annotations:


If you cannot see SonarQube™ issues or test coverage in here, please follow our configuration checklist to find out what went wrong.

Step 6: Create pull request and check if the SonarQube™ analysis is included

Create a new branch and add a commit with some issues in it. Create a pull request from that branch.

Your SonarQube™ Analysis Configuration should pick up the new pull request and analyze it correctly.


If you cannot see SonarQube™ issues or test coverage in here, please follow our configuration checklist to find out what went wrong.

SONAR™, SONARQUBE™ and SONARCLOUD™ are independent and trademarked products and services of SonarSource SA: see , , .

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