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Configuration checklist

  1. Verify your SonarQube™ server settings in global settings of Bitbucket (Bitbucket Admin → Include Code Quality)

  2. Run SonarQube™ source code analysis for main branch in your build system

    1. Check the configuration for the source code analysis

    2. Check that the analysis results are visible in SonarQube™

  3. Check the configuration of the corresponding SonarQube™ project in the repository settings in Bitbucket

  4. Go to source code view in your Bitbucket repository and check if you can see the existing issues/stats

    1. You should see the SonarQube™ statistics and issue annotation

    2. Statistics and annotations are missing? Verify your Bitbucket repository configuration:

      1. Did you configure the correct analysis directory?

      2. Does the SonarQube™ project key match with the configuration in Bitbucket?


  5. Create a pull request with issues in the code

  6. In your build system, check that the pull request creation did trigger a SonarQube™ source code analysis for the source branch of your pull request

  7. Go to the pull request view in Bitbucket and check if the analysis results are visible. You should see a quality gate status overview, and issue annotations in the pull request diff

    1. An error ‘Quality gate status unknown’ hints at a wrong analysis configuration or a wrong analysis directory setting, or a SonarQube server that cannot be reached

    2. An error ‘No active projects’ means that none of the configured project mappings map to a folder of the changed files in the diff.

    3. No issue annotations:

      1. Verify that you can see the issues that should be shown in SonarQube™

      2. Do the issue annotations appear after clicking “Code Quality: Refresh Report” in the pull request context menu? Then check your Webhook configuration

SONAR™, SONARQUBE™ and SONARCLOUD™ are independent and trademarked products and services of SonarSource SA: see , , .

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