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☁️ Release Notes 22. June, 2021

We are happy to announce that we’ve released a new version on June 22nd, 2021. 🎉

You will automatically get the latest version.

Download Jupyter/IPython Viewer for Confluence Cloud on the Atlassian Marketplace

New Features

  • Improving usage of macro with efficient URL copy and paste functionality

We strive to make the user experience better with each release and we think we have delivered this time around. We have made it easier to include a notebook URL that will be automatically converted and displayed by the macro. This will make it even faster to get your notebook rendered in Confluence so you can move on to more important work.

  • Making it easier to “Get Started” with Jupyter/IPython Viewer

We want to make sure that installing Jupyter/IPython Viewer is as seamless as possible so we have added a “Get Started” menu option which includes a link to helpful information including documentation, key features and set up steps. It’s never been easier to get started with Jupyter/IPython Viewer!

Bug Fixes

  • Some variants of Bitbucket URLs for notebooks may have not been rendered, so we have fixed that. Please let us know, if you find a Bitbucket URL to a notebook, which is not working for you.

Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?

Let us know. We’re glad to help!

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