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October 24, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that weโ€™ve released a new version of Include GitHub for Confluence on . ๐ŸŽ‰

You will automatically get the latest version, if the app is installed in your Confluence space. The app will only need an update under Manage Apps in Confluence.

Support for GitHub Gists

  • Introducing a new macro that supports including GitHub Gists. Use the GitHub Gist macro to include Gists into your confluence pages.

Include GitHub Gists in Confluence

Security Updates

  • Library updates to address dependency vulnerabilities

Bug Fix

  • Bug fix affecting Admins in non-default groups not being able to access settings. In newer Confluence sites, the roles names include the site name. Bugfix uses a more appropriate API to check if the user is an Administrator.

Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?

Let us know. Weโ€™re glad to help!

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