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June 16, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that weโ€™ve released a new version of Include GitHub for Confluence on . ๐ŸŽ‰

You will automatically get the latest version, if the app is installed in your Confluence space. The app will only need an update under Manage Apps in Confluence.

Support for Including Directories

You can now include all files in a directory at once with the new GitHub Directory macro. Include your configuration files, REST API docs and other documentation directories from GitHub to share with your team.

If you add new files or delete existing ones in a directory, the changes will be automatically reflected in the Confluence page.

  1. Type /GitHub Directory or use the insert button to find the GitHub Directory macro.

  2. Insert the URL to a GitHub directory.

  3. All files in that directory are then included.

Various Small Improvements

Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?

Let us know. Weโ€™re glad to help!

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