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Release Notes v7.0

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve released version 7.0.0 on 🎉

Check Changelog below for latest patch versions.

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Bitbucket 9 and Java 17 Support

Bitbucket 9.0 includes a major overhaul on how it interacts apps, also known as Atlassian Data Center Platform 7. This required many adaptions in the app to continue to work on Bitbucket 9.0 on Java 17.

If you encounter any issues upgrading to the latest version, contact us.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Issue links "Details" and "File" in Bitbucket source browser lead to 404 errors

  • NullPointerException when webhook is invoked in project where project key prefix is null, which prevents some repositories from being annotated properly

  • Merge Check Message shows raw HTML tag for token configuration when no user token is configured


7.0.2: Bugfixes

  • Fixes NullPointerException in repository settings when an Oracle database is used

  • Handle more than 1000 code insights annotations in a report to avoid exceptions

7.0.1: Bugfixes

  • Option "Restrict app to branch pattern" is not working when a branch replacement key is configured

  • "null" is displayed in project name in project mapping dialog under repository settings

Previous: Release Notes v6.3

Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?

Let us know. We’re glad to help!

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