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Release Notes v4.1

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve released version 4.1.0 on 🎉

Download on the Atlassian Marketplace for Server and Data Center

When upgrading from an app version 2.x or 3.x, please read our Migration guide to app version 4.


Global SonarQube branch name character replacement option

The app provides a repository option to translate unsupported characters in SonarQube branch names. For newer SonarQube versions like 7.9.x and >= 8.4, characters like “/” are not allowed anymore in branch names. As it is inconvenient to change this in all repository settings, the app now also offers a global option for this in the SonarQube server configuration.

Prevent using a regular SonarQube account without admin permissions when saving a SonarQube server configuration

In recent versions, the app uses SonarQube webhooks to get notified about new analysis results. To install the webhooks, the app needs SonarQube admin permissions. This is now enforced in the app’s SonarQube server configuration page to prevent issues with the proper installation of the webhook.


4.1.1: resolved issues on

  • Internal server error for /rest/sonar4stash/1.0/sonar-server-configs when upgrading from 2.6.x to 3.x

  • Unable to see Sonar statistics on pull requests with commercial SonarQube editions for branches containing "/"

4.1.0: resolved issues on

  • Sonar webhook warning on Bitbucket admin page can cause slow page loading

  • When SonarQube project analysis got started but is not finished yet, the app shows an empty quality gate status

  • The error message when users reference a SonarQube server configuration that should get deleted in their personal access tokens page is misleading

  • Removed unused SnakeYaml dependency

Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?

Let us know. We’re glad to help!

SONAR™, SONARQUBE™ and SONARCLOUD™ are independent and trademarked products and services of SonarSource SA: see , , .

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