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There are two ways to install Include Code Quality for Bitbucket, both using the Universal Plug-in Manager:

Installing Include Code Quality directly from Atlassian Marketplace

  1. Click the admin drop-down on your Bitbucket instance and choose Add-ons.

  2. Click Find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.

  3. Locate Include Code Quality for Bitbucket via search.

  4. Click Install to download and install Include Code Quality for Bitbucket.

  5. You're done!

Installing Include Code Quality by file upload

  1. Download Include Code Quality for Bitbucket on the Atlassian Marketplace (Details Tab, click the download button).

  2. Click the admin drop-down on your Bitbucket instance and choose Add-ons.

  3. Click Manage Add-ons...

  4. Click the Upload add-on link at the top right side of the page. 

  5. Enter the location of the JAR file you downloaded.

  6. Click Upload.

  7. You're done!

Since Bitbucket 8.19, uploading JAR files in the UPM is disabled by default. If you want to allow uploading JAR files (e.g. to downgrade to older app versions),

set the property upm.plugin.upload.enabled=true in the file. Check the Bitbucket docs for more information.

As this app integrates SonarQube™ into Bitbucket, you also need to install SonarQube™ if you don't have it already. Installation instructions can be found here.

SONAR™, SONARQUBE™ and SONARCLOUD™ are independent and trademarked products and services of SonarSource SA: see , , .

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