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Incremental Analysis

Static code analysis can take a significant amount of time for large projects. Longer build times are inconvenient for short living branches like hotfix- or feature branches. The app’s Incremental Analysis reduces the analysis time by restricting the analyzed files to the changed files in a pull request.

Include Code Quality for Bamboo uses the sonar.inclusions parameter to restrict the analyzed files. You can read more about restricting the analysis scope in the SonarQube™ documentation.

Incremental analysis can be used for both the community and the commercial editions of SonarQube™. 

Q: Is the coverage information impacted by incremental mode?

No. As long as the Sonar™ scanner is able to find the coverage result file, SonarQube™ uses it to generate coverage information.

Q: What are the drawbacks of Incremental mode?

  • Because the incremental mode is restricted to the new and changed files of a pull request, SonarQube™ statistics are not representable for the complete branch anymore. We recommend that you use it for short-lived feature and bug fix branches only. Include Code Quality for Bamboo handles this through the use of a regular expression for which branches to apply this mode to.

  • The accuracy of the analysis can be reduced with incremental mode because there could be false negatives (e.g. when you deprecate a method in file and this method is used in file which is not part of the pull request diff, no issue will be created for the deprecated method usage in file

Required Configurations in Bamboo

For Bamboo, we provide an easy way to implement incremental SonarQube™ analysis with our Include Code Quality for Bamboo app.

When you have installed the app on your Bamboo instance, follow these steps: Incremental mode for Pull Requests.

Required Configurations in Jenkins

To trigger a Jenkins build for your pull requests, you have to use a Bitbucket Server plug-in that triggers a build when a pull request is created or updated (e.g., when you push changes). We recommend the plug-in Pull Request Notifier for Bitbucket or Webhook to Jenkins for Bitbucket for this.

The configuration explained below is for Pull Request Notifier for Bitbucket. The configuration is however similar for Webhook to Jenkins for Bitbucket (you just have to make sure that the PULL_REQUEST_ID env variable is set).

Either globally or in the repositories you want to use it, you have to configure the Jenkins URL (including the parameter PULL_REQUEST_ID which we need in the next step to get diff with the new and changed files), the pull request events you want to trigger a new build for and more details in the Pull Request Notifier configuration:


If you are using CSRF protection in Jenkins, you also have to configure a few more settings. For details, please follow these instructions.

Using pipelines

For Jenkinsfile, we recommend the following code to pass the sonar.inclusions parameter with the list of new and changed files to the SonarQube™ analysis:

Incremental analysis with Jenkinsfile
import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic

def toRelativePathInModule(File current, File startingPoint, File workingDir) {
  if (current == null) return null
  if (current.isDirectory()) {
    def sonarFile = current.listFiles().find { it.getName() == '' || it.getName() == 'pom.xml' }
    if (sonarFile) {
      return sonarFile.getParentFile().toURI().relativize(startingPoint.toURI()).getPath()
    } else if (current == workingDir) {
      return workingDir.toURI().relativize(startingPoint.toURI()).getPath()
  return toRelativePathInModule(current.getParentFile(), startingPoint, workingDir)

if (!env.PULL_REQUEST_ID) {
  error("PULL_REQUEST_ID not set")
def pullRequestId = env.PULL_REQUEST_ID
//TODO change variables here!
def bitbucketServer = "http://localhost:7990/bitbucket"
def projectKey = "PROJECT_1"
def repoSlug = "maven-sub-modules"
def pullRequestDiffUrl = new URL(
//use either personal access token (available since Bitbucket 5.5.0) or basic auth
//TODO use personal access token:
def personalAccessToken = "XXX" // can be created under Bitbucket user -> manage account -> personal access token
def withPersonalAccessToken = ["Authorization": "Bearer $personalAccessToken"]
//TODO or use basic authentication
//def authString = "admin:admin".getBytes().encodeBase64().toString()
//def withBasicAuth = ["Authorization": "Basic ${authString}"]
def pullRequestDiff = new JsonSlurperClassic().parse(pullRequestDiffUrl.newReader(requestProperties: withPersonalAccessToken)).values

node {
  def workspace = env.WORKSPACE
  def files = pullRequestDiff.collect {
    toRelativePathInModule(new File(workspace, it.path.toString), new File(workspace, it.path.toString), new File(workspace))

  stage('SCM') {
    git url: 'http://admin@localhost:7990/bitbucket/scm/project_1/maven-sub-modules.git'

  stage('SonarQube analysis') {
    withSonarQubeEnv('sonar') {
      sh "mvn clean package sonar:sonar -Dsonar.inclusions=$files"

  stage("Quality Gate"){
    timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') {
      def qg = waitForQualityGate()
      if (qg.status != 'OK') {
        error "Pipeline aborted due to quality gate failure: ${qg.status}"

Using freestyle jobs

To use incremental analysis with a freestyle job, you need to get the pull request details from the passed PULL_REQUEST_ID to get the list of new and changed files and to pass this to the sonar.inclusions parameter. For this, you have to enable that your Jenkins build is parameterized:


Then, we use Bitbucket's REST interface to get the diff of the pull request and store it in a file so that we can use it later together with the EnvInject plug-in:


Here's the complete Groovy script code:

Incremental analysis with freestyle job
import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic

def toRelativePathInModule(File current, File startingPoint, File workingDir) {
  if (current == null) return null;
  if (current.isDirectory()) {
    def sonarFile = current.listFiles().find { it.getName() == '' || it.getName() == 'pom.xml' }
    if (sonarFile) {
      return sonarFile.getParentFile().toURI().relativize(startingPoint.toURI()).getPath()
    } else if (current == workingDir) {
      return workingDir.toURI().relativize(startingPoint.toURI()).getPath()
  return toRelativePathInModule(current.getParentFile(), startingPoint, workingDir)

if (!env.PULL_REQUEST_ID) {
  error("PULL_REQUEST_ID not set")
def pullRequestId = env.PULL_REQUEST_ID
def bitbucketServer = "http://localhost:7990/bitbucket"
def projectKey = "PROJECT_1"
def repoSlug = "maven-sub-modules"
def personalAccessToken = "XXX"
def pullRequestDiffUrl = new URL(
def withPersonalAccessToken = ["Authorization": "Bearer $personalAccessToken"]
def pullRequestDiff = new JsonSlurperClassic().parse(pullRequestDiffUrl.newReader(requestProperties: withPersonalAccessToken)).values

//use either personal access token (available since Bitbucket 5.5.0) or basic auth 
//TODO use personal access token: 
def personalAccessToken = "XXX" // can be created under Bitbucket user -> manage account -> personal access token 
def withPersonalAccessToken = ["Authorization": "Bearer $personalAccessToken"] 
//TODO or use basic authentication 
//def authString = "admin:admin".getBytes().encodeBase64().toString() 
//def withBasicAuth = ["Authorization": "Basic ${authString}"] 
def pullRequestDiff = new JsonSlurperClassic().parse(pullRequestDiffConn.newReader(requestProperties: withPersonalAccessToken)).values 
def files = pullRequestDiff.collect {
  toRelativePathInModule(new File(workspace, it.path.toString), new File(workspace, it.path.toString), new File(workspace))
f = new File('sonar-diff.txt')

Then, add the EnvInject task to your build job:


Finally, execute SonarQube™ with the sonar.inclusions parameter by using the created environment variable from the EnvInject plug-in:


Verification that everything works

With the above configurations, you can restrict your SonarQube™ analysis to the new and changed files only to get a faster analysis for your pull request. To verify that your configuration works, you can check the build log within SonarQube™ to ensure only the files of your pull request are analyzed (search for "Included sources"):


SONAR™, SONARQUBE™ and SONARCLOUD™ are independent and trademarked products and services of SonarSource SA: see , , .
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