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Release Notes v 2.1

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve released version 2.1 on 🎉 1

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New Features

Support for Bitbucket Cloud

Including files from Bitbucket Cloud is now supported. Read how to set it up here.
After that you can include Bitbucket Cloud files, pull requests, Git branches etc.
Only Bitbucket files via Ant pattern is no supported for Bitbucket Cloud.


  • Referenced files in Asciidoc and Markdown are reliably shown,
    even when the Confluence user isn’t logged into Bitbucket.

  • It’s possible to select a single line of a file.

  • *.sh shell files are detected as text instead of binaries.

  • Pasting Bitbucket file URLs with a specific line selected does work.


2.1.3: resolved issues on

  • Fixed a issue where images are not shown, when Confluence runs on Windows

2.1.2: resolved issues on

  • Fixed an issue, where application links with different display- and internal- URL did not work.

  • Fixed an issue where the Include Bitbucket admin panel got mixed with other apps installed on Confluence.

  • Fixed the download links for binaries on Bitbucket Cloud.

  • Asciidoc’s link:, :relfileprefix and :imagesdir are now handled correctly

2.1.1: resolved issues on

  • Fixed regression with ignored max. number of items to show parameter in branches and commits macros

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