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Include open pull requests list

You can include information on open pull requests from a Bitbucket repository by adding lists of pull requests in your Confluence page. For each pull request you will get the name, id, author, status and creation date.

Add the macro

You can either:

  • type directly { Bitbucket open pull requests and ENTER to add and edit the macro, or

  • click in the editor toolbar on Insert > Other Macros and select the Bitbucket open pull requests macro (located in the category “External Content” of the macro library).

Select the Bitbucket Open Pull Requests Macro

Macro settings

You will then be prompted to specify the following:

Bitbucket connection

Dropdown of connections registered in the macro configuration

Bitbucket project

Name of the project within the connection containing the targeted repository

Bitbucket repository

Name of the repository containing the data

Choose maximum number of newest open pull requests to show (optional)

Choose number of Pull Requests to be displayed (defaults to 100)

Edit the macro with your repository information

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