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Release Notes v. 3.0

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve released version 3.0.0 on 🎉

Download Create Branch Wizard for Bitbucket on the Atlassian Marketplace

Bitbucket 9 on Java 17 Support

Bitbucket 9.0 includes a major overhaul on how it integrates with the apps,

also known as Atlassian Data Center Platform 7.

This required many adaptions to make Create Branch Wizard continue to work on Bitbucket 9.

Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?

Let us know. We’re glad to help!


3.0.3 : Resolved issues on

  • Improve permission check for Branch Mapping endpoint

3.0.2 : Resolved issues on

  • Allow to configure Jira lookup timeout for create branch wizard in with property plugin.createbranchwizard.jira.lookup.timeout.seconds. Default is 2 seconds.

  • Adds WebSudo protection for global settings page

3.0.1: Resolved issues on

  • Fix broken reference to images in branch mapping example dialog.

3.0.0: Resolved issues on

  • Maintenance

Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?

Let us know. We’re glad to help!

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