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Release Notes v4.3

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve released Code Review Assistant 4.3 on 🎉

Download on the Atlassian Marketplace for Bitbucket Server


  • Added the ‘Run CRA analysis’ and ‘Remove CRA annotations’ actions to pull requests in Bitbucket 7:

  • The Code Review Assistant config panel is now accessible to Bitbucket admins and not only system admins.


  • In Bitbucket 7, the built in analyzer configuration couldn’t be selected once it was switched to an another file.

  • The JSHint analyzer crashed when the configuration had comments in it, as it expected JSON files.

Bitbucket Data Center

We intend to launch a Data Center approved version of this app. Data Center customers will be required to purchase a Data Center app license upon their next renewal.
We will deprecate some features for the Data Center version. Tell us what feature you are using, so we include it in a migration plan.

Do you have any questions, suggestions, or problems?

Let us know. We’re glad to help!

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