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Checkstyle Analysis Results

To show Checkstyle analysis results, print the Checkstyle result XML to the build log.

Using Checkstyle Command Line

Use the -f=xml flag to print out the Checkstle analysis into the build log. For example:

java -jar ./checkstyle-9.3-all.jar -c=/sun_checks.xml -f=xml src/main/java/

Using Maven Checkstyle

The Maven Checkstyle plugin doesn’t support printing the XML into the logs. Configure Checkstyle in Maven first:


Then print the generated target/checkstyle-result.xml file into the build log by a final task:

cat ./target/checkstyle-result.xml || echo "No Checkstyle analytics generated"

Using Gradle Checkstyle

The Gradle Checkstyle plugin doesn’t support printing the XML into the logs. Instead print the generated ./build/reports/checkstyle/main.xml file into the build log by a final task:

cat ./build/reports/checkstyle/main.xml  || echo "No Checkstyle analytics generated"

Using Checkstyle via other Build System

Typically the build system tool generate a Checkstyle report xml. Dump that to the console by a final task. For example:

cat ./a-build-dir/checkstyle-result.xml || echo "No Checkstyle analytics generated"

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