Beautiful Math for Confluence is a Cloud app and runs on Confluence Cloud only. On-premise Confluence installations are therefore not supported.
1. Installation
This app must be installed through the Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager (UPM):
- Click the admin drop-down on your Confluence instance and choose Add-ons.
- Click Find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.
- Locate Beautiful Math for Confluence via search.
- Click Install.
- You're done!
2. (Optional) - Configuration
By default, Beautiful Math is part of the confluence-users group. Usually, no configuration is required. However, if this group does not have permission to view a particular Confluence Space, then it will prevent the app from working properly as it cannot access the pages from the space. To add permissions, you can follow the following steps:
Space Settings → Permissions
Individual Users
Edit Permissions
In the user search box, type “Beautiful"
Select Beautiful Math for Confluence or BeautifulC and Add
Save All